The COVID-19 situation is putting tremendous pressure on the health care system. This means that other, less acute diseases, will have to be re-prioritized. Prostate cancer is normally a slowly progressing disease and is thus a candidate for re-prioritization. Given COVID-19 we therefore recommend the following for men tested with Stockholm3 during this time:

  • Men with low Stockholm3 Risk Score: handled in accordance with current recommendation, i.e. follow-up with Stockholm3 new test within 6-10 years
  • Men with normal Stockholm3 Risk Score: handled in accordance with current recommendations, i.e. follow-up with Stockholm3 new test within 2-4 years
  • Men with increased Stockholm3 Risk Score and volume cut-off: New recommendation: New Stockholm3 test is recommended in 6 months or after the emergency situation with COVID-19
  • Men with increased Stockholm3 Risk Score without volume cut-off: Referral to urologist and biopsy is recommended. If aggressive cancer is identified in biopsy, consider use of hormone therapy if definite treatment as surgery or radiotherapy is not available due to the COVID-19 situation. Definite treatment can be started when the COVID-19 situation has resolved.

Professor Henrik Grönberg, MD, Medical Oncologist

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